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Gloria Wong House
Gloria Wong --
Where the Buck Stops

ELARC Executive Director Gloria Wong's luxury home located in a private Upland community is a far cry from the lifestyle of most ELARC parents.


ELARC Tops the Chart
ELARC Tops the Chart

Last year we reviewed the hearings calendar of the Office of Administrative Hearings and tabulated the number of hearings per regional center. The ELARC outranked, by a wide margin, all other Regional Centers in number of Fair Hearings on calendar per thousand consumers.

We decided to redo our study to see what's changed in the last eighteen months. The results may surprise you.


The Million Dollar Club
Million Dollar Club



Gloria Wong


Felipe Hernandez


Jesse Valdez


Adeline Esquivel


Frances Jacobs


Elin Nozaki


Martin Cogan


Arturo De La Torre


Jose Hurtado


Stephen Wong



* Gross annual salary based on 2000-2001 data. Does not include employer taxes, insurance, benefits, additional compensation, bonuses, etc.


Angela's Ashes

She has a lean and hungry look, the kind you get from not eating; with a bite like a piranha in heat. "Big Guns" might not be the first thought that comes to mind when you meet Angela Gilmartin, but she's the one the Regional Center calls when they want to destroy a parent.

Angela's Ashes


Meet Your Executive Board
Meet Your Executive Board
  • Matthew Guglielmo's desperate attempt to keep his daughter at Fairview.
  • Norman Fulco creates a new Board position: "alternate member."
  • What's this Board up to? Who do they serve? Our children or themselves?


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